
Coming back to CHI, I realize how enjoyable the fellowship is, especially as a space where we break and un-break things together. During my first time as a CHI fellow, I was especially afraid of breaking things. This time around, I am enjoying breaking things and...

Git & GitHub related Notes

When I first attended the digital humanities summer institute in 2018, I noticed that many people put a half-cat/half-octopus sticker on their laptops. I didn’t think too much about it since I was constantly overwhelmed by all the new terms, conversations,...

Building a Vision

The fellowship this year has been very eventful and a lot of fun. So far, I worked with James and Kyeesha to come up with a vision document for incorporating virtual reality (VR) into the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. Though I believe none of us are experts in the...

Hi from Dani, a New CHI Fellow

My name is Dani M. Willcutt. I am a second year Ph.D. student in the History Department, and I am very happy to be a CHI Fellow for the 2019-2020 year. Broadly speaking, I study food and culture. I received my Master’s in Gastronomy from Boston University where I also...

Jeff Painter- New CHI Fellow

Hi! My name is Jeff Painter and I am a 6th year Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Anthropology at Michigan State University. I am a new CHI fellow this year, and am excited to learn all about digital approaches to cultural heritage and develop new skills. Outside...