Sandy Burnley–New CHI fellow

Hi everyone. My name is Sandy Burnley. Sorry for the “late” post. Technology easily confuses me so this should be a fun semester. As for things with which I am a little more familiar: I am a fifth year doctoral candidate in the English Department with a...

James Blackwell

I am a 6th year doctoral candidate in African History at MSU. My dissertation narrates the experiences of Igbo labor migration between Southeastern Nigeria and British Southern Cameroon, 1900-1975. I explore the impact that labor migration had on the laborers, their...

Ramya, returning CHI fellow

Looking downstream of Detroit along the Detroit River Hi! I am Ramya, a fourth-year doctoral candidate in the Department of History. I am a returning fellow, and I am very much looking forward to getting to know new fellows and learn from them as I work on a new...

Ryan Carty, Returning CHI Fellow

I am a third year graduate student in the history department where I focus on African history. I am currently pursuing research on animal skins and leatherwork in twentieth-century West Africa. Most of my research is focused in Ghana, though I have taken brief...

Liao Zhang – New CHI Fellow

Hello! My name is Liao Zhang, and I am a doctoral candidate in the History Department at Michigan State University. It is my honor to join the Cultural Heritage Informatics Initiative and become a junior fellow in the 2019- 2020 academic year. My academic interest...