Some Thoughts on the GitHub Challenge

I resorted to GitHub many a time when I took a geography class and learned how to use some python modules to facilitate geospatial data processing. Great contents and programming resources organized and shared by some GitHub users impressed me. I, however, used GitHub...

Digital Tools and Presentation Narratives

This summer, I attended the Tensions of Europe (ToE) conference focused on histories of technology in Europe and the impact of the digital age on contemporary scholarship. The conference was most interesting in encouraging presentations that considered technologies as...


Coming back to CHI, I realize how enjoyable the fellowship is, especially as a space where we break and un-break things together. During my first time as a CHI fellow, I was especially afraid of breaking things. This time around, I am enjoying breaking things and...

Git & GitHub related Notes

When I first attended the digital humanities summer institute in 2018, I noticed that many people put a half-cat/half-octopus sticker on their laptops. I didn’t think too much about it since I was constantly overwhelmed by all the new terms, conversations,...

Hi from Dani, a New CHI Fellow

My name is Dani M. Willcutt. I am a second year Ph.D. student in the History Department, and I am very happy to be a CHI Fellow for the 2019-2020 year. Broadly speaking, I study food and culture. I received my Master’s in Gastronomy from Boston University where I also...