CHI Fellowship Project Launched!

Today I am pleased to announce the launch of my CHI Fellowship project entitled Linguistic Semantics, Text Organization and NLP. It is an educational website whose primary function is to teach researchers in the Cultural Heritage and Digital Humanities (CHDH)...

Launching the “Mapping Mahaweli” Project

I am excited to launch Mapping Mahaweli, which is the project I created as part of the CHI graduate fellowship. Mapping Mahaweli is a website that is based on the Accelerated Mahaweli Development Program (AMDP). This is Sri Lanka’s largest multipurpose national...

Explore StoryAtlas

Media is full of narratives. Some narratives are helpful, and some are harmful. But always, media embeds narratives in society’s collective memory. They become the first rough draft of our history. StoryAtlas was created to map narratives that matter. StoryAtlas...

Mapping success!

Since my last post, I have had a lot of success regarding my maps. My Mesoamerica map with some pop-up examples As you can see above, I have succesfully been able to put a map of Mesoamerica on the website, as well as successfully put pop-ups with information about...