by nelso663 | May 27, 2017 | CHI Grad Fellow Post, CHI Project Info
Question: What is the sum of the galleries, libraries, archives, and museums industry category’s acronym (GLAM) and the archaic word ambulator (Noun, “One that walks about” [Lewis & Short, 1879])? Answer: Glambulator, the name of my CHI project....
by nelso663 | Apr 22, 2017 | CHI Grad Fellow Post
The application that has taken shape since the beginning of the CHI fellowship executes queries against the British Museum’s (BM) SPARQL endpoint. The BM system returns results serialized as XML- or JSON-LD. The application updates its data store (Redux) and...
by nelso663 | Mar 31, 2017 | CHI Grad Fellow Post
Last week I was able to attend the annual conference for the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) in Baltimore (proceedings here). One talk struck me as particularly relevant to cultural heritage informatics. The authors explored humanities scholarship...
by nelso663 | Feb 18, 2017 | CHI Grad Fellow Post
As I mentioned last month, one of the ideas of the semantic web is to render data from specialized, disparate sources comparable, and this is achieved by developing specifications like CIDOC-CRM. One implementation of CIDOC-CRM is the Erlangen CRM. Heritage...
by nelso663 | Jan 29, 2017 | CHI Grad Fellow Post
My project involves working with some of the technologies of the semantic web. The main idea of the semantic web (or web 3.0, and in Berners-Lee’s language the “read+write+execute” phase that will supersede the “read-only” phase of web...
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