Mapping Morton Village — writing the basic code for the website.
For the past two weeks, I have been working on the code for my joint CHI Fellowship project with Nikki Silva: Mapping Morton Village. We knew the general structure of what we wanted the site to look like and using a bootstrap theme I created the foundation for our website.
However, I did have some issues at the beginning. I first attempted to combine two different bootstrap themes (a header theme and a footer theme), to get the look that we wanted, which turned out to not be the best approach. There were contrasting CSS styles that caused the footer of the website to not stay in the correct place and or have the size we wanted. After trying, for longer than I would like to admit, I realized that I needed to just start over!
After discussing my problems with other CHI fellows, I found a new bootstrap theme (that came with a footer that we liked!). Adapting this bootstrap theme to our liking was much simpler!
Below, you can see what our website looks like. As Nikki was beginning the work on the map portion of our site (to be discussed in a future blog post), she sent me an image of the Morton Village site to be used as the background on the opening page of the site.
Below is a screen shot of the ‘About’ section, where our visitors will be able to learn more about Morton Village and what our project Mapping Morton Village is all about.
We also have a lovely pop-out screen for contact information. Eventually, we would like to set up an email address for morton village, that will be put here. This will allow visitors to our site, and the Morton Village website to receive responses more quickly.
What’s next for Mapping Morton Village?
Over the next month, Nikki and I will be working on developing the interactive map of the archaeological site and writing the content for the interactive features. If you have any questions or comments please send us a note!
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