Hello! My name is Jon M. Wargo. Currently, I am a doctoral candidate in Teacher Education specializing in language and literacy education and receiving a graduate certificate in qualitative research methods. Prior to coming to Michigan State University I received my B.A. in English and Gender Studies at Indiana University and taught/field-instructed K-12 English language arts in Colorado. I am very excited to round out my graduate school career by being a CHI fellow!
Anchored in interdisciplinary study, my work engages with qualitative and humanities oriented research to explore the intersections of language and literacy education, technology, and cultural rhetorics. Given the increasing presence and seemingly ubiquitous status new media and digital technologies have in mediating contemporary lives, my dissertation project examines how LGBT and queer youth engage in these varying levels of mediation as they navigate and negotiate communities, construct visibility, and orchestrate convergent identities across online/offline contexts. Emerging from my interests in youth multimodal composing, my research continues to be informed by the haptic practices of writing in digital environments. Leveraging audio as the mode of primacy, I hope to utilize the CHI fellowship to interrogate how community literacies and cultural rhetorics are written through and with sound. Ultimately working to connect digital soundscapes around the globe, one of my larger goals this year is to develop pedagogical materials for humanities teachers interested in working with sonic composing. Through this participatory archive and knowledge base I hope to build materials that hear, recognize, and sustain community and help attune educators to the rhythms of culture.
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