Mapping Out Untold Histories!

In my previous blog post, I made known my plans of representing aspects of Nzulezo people’s history in digital format, precisely in an interactive web map, using resourcing like Mapbox and Leaflet. The people of Nzulezo are a community of Ghanaians who live in...

Mapping Memories 2022

Hello CHI Community! This week we are working on our mapping memory project. As one of our rapid development projects, our current prompt asks us to create a website to display a narrative of our choosing based on some linked geographic coordinates over some span of...

Fishing for Fun in Building a Pitch Website

Over the past couple of weeks, the fellows in the CHI lab have been working through the process of taking an idea for a digital heritage project from vision, to vision document, and then to the creation of a pitch website. As part of the group developing an idea for...

Troubleshooting DH Projects

In discussing DH pedagogy, it feels inevitable that whatever project you’re working on will “break” – technically speaking – during the semester. Although some DH scholars have made compelling arguments about the utility of failure when employing DH tools in the...

Vision Document to Website

Hello CHI Community!   It’s been a crazy last month in Chi, as we learned more about planning and implementing digital heritage projects through small rapid development projects. First, we were asked to create a Vision Documents (or a two-page snippet on your...