Project Pitch Time

During last week’s meeting, we each gave a short pitch of our ideas for our upcoming CHI project, which will take up the majority of our time next semester (sans one more rapid development challenge in January). For this pitch, we were asked to create a vision...

Learning Time Slider!

The most recent rapid development challenge (mapping memory) was full of unexpecting road blocks and exciting successes. Being still very new to the world of coding, every small victory feels like a very big win. I learned a lot of new tricks (thanks Erica for...

A Ghost in The TimeSlider Shell

This coming week, we’ll be pitching our project ideas for the CHI fellowship. One component of my project will involve a making a map to demonstrate the breadth of short-term medical training programs in China during the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. I’m taking inspiration...

Map Style Challenges and Mysteries

Last Friday the CHI Fellows continued work on our Mapping Memory project, getting into the actual coding and design of our map. Because we are working in a large group, we identified the three main tasks (design, data entry, and time slider building) and subdivided...

Mapping Out Untold Histories!

In my previous blog post, I made known my plans of representing aspects of Nzulezo people’s history in digital format, precisely in an interactive web map, using resourcing like Mapbox and Leaflet. The people of Nzulezo are a community of Ghanaians who live in...

Mapping Memories 2022

Hello CHI Community! This week we are working on our mapping memory project. As one of our rapid development projects, our current prompt asks us to create a website to display a narrative of our choosing based on some linked geographic coordinates over some span of...