My name is Dani Willcutt and I am a Senior CHI Fellow for the 2021-22 academic year. I am also a fourth year doctoral candidate in the History Department. My dissertation research is a history of the food service industry in Lansing, Michigan, during the twentieth century. In the past, I received my Masters in Gastronomy (or food studies) as well as a Masters certificate in Economic Development via Sustainable Tourism Management from Boston University. As I conduct research and collect artifacts and sources for my dissertation, I am also building a digital archive to store the items. I hope to begin this project over the course of this year as a CHI Fellow. I made a digital cookbook using Twinery.org for an interactive version of Malinda Russell’s, A Domestic Cookbook (1866), as a CHI Fellow during 2019-2020. We spent the last two months of spring semester 2020 working remotely, which really limited the ways we could interact with the cohort. It made me realize how much I came to enjoy meeting with the cohort in LEADR. While it seems almost counterintuitive, it is especially helpful to be in person when working on digital projects. It can be difficult to help each other troubleshoot remotely and through screen sharing. Not impossible, but difficult. That being said, I am looking forward to (hopefully) a full year of meeting in person!
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