Photo source: https://gfycat.com/gifs/search/mapbox

Whether you are a student or instructor interested in using Mapbox, this guide offers a quick overview of videos related to the software’s how-to’s and provides a few examples of how others have used Mapbox in their projects or businesses.
This annotated video guide informs viewers of 8 identifiers:
- Creator of video
- Title of video
- Date published
- Length of video
- Category (ex. arcgis pro, google maps, qgis, mobile app, business)
- Audio (yes or no)
- Captions Available (yes or no)
- Summary of video

ArcGIS Pro
Creator: Chris Goranson
Title: How to Add Mapbox Maps as New Basemaps in ArcGIS Pro
Date Published: December 5, 2018
- Length: 5 minutes 41 seconds
- Category: ArcGIS Pro
- Audio: YES
- Captions Available: YES – English (Auto-generated)
- Summary: Chris Goranson teaches users how to use Mapbox’s custom map styles in ArcGIS Pro from the website: https://www.mapbox.com/designer-maps. Using the share button in Mapbox, users can find an integration url code that can added through the web mapping server connection tool in ArcGIS Pro.
Google Maps
Creator: Mapbox
Title: How to Switch from Google Maps to Mapbox in 90 seconds
Date: Published: November 25, 2019
- Length: 1 minute 27 seconds
- Category: Google Maps
- Audio: YES
- Captions Available: YES – English (auto-generated)
- Summary: The video explains how to export a google map as a KML file and then import the data into http://studio.mapbox.com. The instructions go by quickly but the steps are verbalized clearly, and the video can be replayed to catch any steps that went by too fast.
Creator: Rob Labs
Title: Adding GeoJSON to a Mapbox Style
Date Published: December 14, 2016
- Length: 9 minutes 25 seconds
- Category: GeoJSON
- Audio: YES
- Captions Available: YES – English (auto-generated)
- Summary: Rob Labs discusses how to import a dataset into Mapbox Studio. Editing the dataset, adding points from the map, exporting, creating map styles, changing symbology and the importance of setting its properties and using codepen.io to see a live sample of the map are discussed. Labs provides a step by step instruction guide for the video at https://roblabs.com/mapbox/2016/12/13/Adding-GeoJSON-to-Mapbox-Styles/ and other content at: http://roblabs.com/blog.
Title: Mapbox – Interactive Maps in React
Date Published: April 15, 2019
- Length: 23 minutes 31 seconds
- Category: React; JSON; JavaScript
- Audio: YES
- Captions Available: YES
- Summary: Leigh Halliday teaches how to import map data using javascript language. Halliday walks through the steps to add/find latitude and longitude data, set width and height and code for the zoom function. Additionally, changing the base layer and popup markers are discussed.
Creator: Geography Realm (Caitlin Dempsey)
Title: How to Add a Map from Mapbox to QGIS
Date Published: January 18, 2018
- Length: 3 minutes 16 seconds
- Category: QGIS
- Audio: No voice but has instrumental playing in the background
- Captions Available: Text instructions on screen
- Summary: This video provides instructions on how to obtain a share link for a map style in Mapbox to be used in QGIS. Once QGIS is open, the video creator provides step by step instructions to embedding the code and adding the layer and additional GIS data. This video may be helpful if the teacher prefers to narrate while the video plays or for students to view on their own time.

Project Examples
Mobile Apps
Title: The TripScout App
Date Published: April 16, 2018
- Length: 1 minute 24 seconds
- Category: Mobile App; Business
- Audio: YES
- Captions Available: YES – English (auto-generated)
- Summary: Andy Acs and Konrad Waliszewski, TripScout’s founders, discuss how the mobile app uses Mapbox to create offline apps for travelers to search for local sites and have a personalized travel experience.
Title: The Woov App
Date Published: April 11, 2018
- Length: 1 minute 46 seconds
- Category: Mobile App; Business
- Audio: YES
- Captions Available: YES – English (auto-generated)
- Summary: The founder of Woov, Sebastien Westerduin, gives a brief discussion of how the mobile app uses Mapbox to create custom maps to help festival goers locate people, food and music venues easier.

About the Author
Kyeesha M. Wilcox (wilcox49@msu.edu) is a second year master’s student in the Department of Geography, Environment and Spatial Sciences at Michigan State University.
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