Hello World, again. My name is Zach Francis and I am lucky enough to be returning for another year in the CHI fellowship. This will be my second year in the fellowship and my third year in the Anthropology PhD program. I was also offered a graduate assistant position in the LEADR lab where we hold our CHI fellowship meetings. So now I am doubly motivated to be in the lab on Fridays!
For those of who are not up to date on my previous posts, I am an archaeologist. I spent multiple field seasons working in Ukraine to excavate human remains, pottery, lithics and whatever else we could discover at Verteba Cave. I enjoyed my archaeological experience there so much that I applied for graduate school. My current research interests are primarily in the paleoethnobotany of North America, or as I my friends know it: Native American “plant archaeology”. My shift over from archaeology in Central Europe to North America was largely influenced by my Anishinaabe heritage, though, archaeologically, I am still interested in my Ukrainian roots. I am hoping this year to somehow incorporate these aspect of my identity into my CHI fellowship project.
Last year, I found that I was extremely interested in data, what it is, how we organize it, and how we present it. I hope to carry that forward in a year that already looks promising. I am excited to reunite with the old faces and learn the new ones. Until next time, World.
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