LGBTQ Video Game Archive Preservation Update

As I’ve mentioned in past blog posts, I’ve been working with the LGBTQ Video Game Archive, founded by Adrienne Shaw at Temple University, to record and preserve cases of LGBTQ representation in video games since the 1980s. One of the difficulties the Archive has faced...

Project update: refining my map

In the past month, after several weeks of despairing tinkering, I finally got the features in my GeoJSON files to appear as points on my map. I now feel much more comfortable playing around with Javascript to see what my map can do. Currently my map looks like this:...

Pokémon GO and Narrative

Pokémon GO was, and is, one of the most interesting examples of gaming culture in the last two years. Many players and critics have commented on how fad-ish the game was: it became instantly and massively popular upon its release, but the number of active players...