Reflections and Eversions

The cyberpunk worlds of William Gibson have never seemed so far away as when I was staring at my computer screen trying to figure out how to use Github in conjunction with a free Bootstrap template. All the sci-fi romance of cyberspace shriveled into a dry husk as I...

Sari Saba-Sadiya | New CHI Fellow 2020-2021

My portrait, but a Neural Network forgery of Belracchi forgery of Campendonk. During 2006 Wolgang Belracchi sold a Campendonk forgery for 2.88 million euros. During his trial 4 years later he was dubbed “greatest art forger of our time”. After 4 more years...

Coding in the Time of COVID

Although the ultimate objective of the CHI Grad Fellowship will be for each fellow to launch their own digital cultural heritage project, our early weeks have been spent on an activity designed to exercise our coding muscles. Using a vision document we put together,...

Learning code and making art in COVID

By trade, I’m an artist so I am a very visual and tactile when it comes to learning. Since everything is online learning new skills, like coding, have been kind of difficult for me. Recently in CHI we got into groups and started working on our first rapid...

The Stories Health Data Tell

To be honest, I did not want to write about COVID. In August, I was excited about the beginning of a new semester. With the forthcoming academic year, I could focus some of the energy I had spent reading about the pandemic and refocus my energy on my dissertation and...