Launching Smart City Tracker

I’m excited to announce the public launch of my CHI project, Smart City Tracker ( Smart City Tracker is a web-based and open-source platform where users can track and explore local governments’ smart city...

Burgruine Königstein

Ever since I arrived in Germany, many historic places have been on my to-visit list. I was really excited to finally hike to a castle last weekend. It’s called Burgruine Königstein. According to its official website, the oldest visible wall of this castle can be dated...

Stratford-upon-Avon Memory Map Project Update

It’s been a while since I posted directly about my project, which I announced in my December post. I believe I’ve mentioned before that I used to be a project manager in a digital humanities center, and this is my first time working on a project that is completely my...

The Hesitancy to Develop More Porous Pedagogy

As I continue disseminating the CFP, building the site for the Social Justice Classroom, and conversing with colleagues about their experience with contributing their work, I have been met with interesting hiccups with which my people-pleasing personality has had to...