Peruvian Origins Informatics Project

The Peruvian Origins Informatics Project (POIP) is a multi-dimensional online application that blends interactive mapping and 3D model manipulation frameworks. Working in conjunction with, POIP visually presents ongoing archaeological research occurring throughout southern Peru through 3D models created using photogrammetry. The pre- ceramic material culture of southern Peru is important for understanding the inter-zonal connection system that began occurring in the Early Holocene or ~9,000 years ago.

One goal and objective of this project was to create a multi-component website that is accessible to the general public and archaeological audiences. The language utilized throughout the website was specifically chosen to be approachable by a person with little to no knowledge of archaeology but be specific enough so that other researchers find this application useful. Designed with interactivity in mind, most of the website is immediately accessible through a navigation bar that takes the user directly to their desired area. All the models on this website are of projectile points that were excavated or collected during surface survey and date to between 12.5-<4.0 ka. This shows the considerable time depth and scale of these archaeological regions.

POIP is an ever-growing project. Future updates and revisions of the website will have multiple language options so that the project is accessible to as many people as possible. In addition, the frameworks for the website are plastic and easily sharable making it possible for other archaeologists working in this area of southern Peru that have 3D models able to add their own sites to the project.

Overall, the digital heritage preservation of pre-ceramic Peru is an important avenue for both engaging the public and the archaeological community as a whole.

Taylor Panczak

2018-2019 CHI Grad Fellow Cohort

MA Candidate, Department of Anthropology