1967 Detroit

1967Detroit is a static, visual and textual analysis of the uprising, commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the rebellion. Constructed of text, photos, maps digitized oral histories from the Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs at Wayne State University in Detroit, MI; Detroit Public Library in Detroit, MI and Bentley Historical Library at University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI. It is a curated collection that is both an archive and a repository. The text (“Oral History” and “Archive”) and images challenge and contextualize the supplied counternarrative and then preserve the reexamined data. The binary tool that is 1967Detroit has a monochromatic aesthetic that fits the look and message of the site. It features nine tabs and a drop down arrow with five narratives: former Governor George Romney, Judge Damon Keith, former Wayne County Prosecutor William Cahalan Kenneth Cockrell and Cyrus Vance. The research in its entirety allows for great and discussion worthy content. To be added at a later date is the remainder of the oral histories, more mages and content.
Joyce Farley
2015-2016 CHI Grad Fellow Cohort
PhD Candidate, African and African American Studies