Mapping success!

Since my last post, I have had a lot of success regarding my maps. My Mesoamerica map with some pop-up examples As you can see above, I have succesfully been able to put a map of Mesoamerica on the website, as well as successfully put pop-ups with information about...

Sometimes You’re Just Over-Complicating It

I have discovered one of the primary pitfalls of relying on YouTube tutorials- good software changes fast and finding tutorials for the newest version of a thing can be challenging. I have spent the better part of two weeks trying to get my map to work. It isn’t...

Map Style Challenges and Mysteries

Last Friday the CHI Fellows continued work on our Mapping Memory project, getting into the actual coding and design of our map. Because we are working in a large group, we identified the three main tasks (design, data entry, and time slider building) and subdivided...