The start of the Cultural Heritage Informatics Fieldschool ( is rapidly approaching (May 31st), and we are currently seeking interested individuals (scholars, industry, etc.) who would be interested in giving a virtual talk (via Skype) on a topic relating to this fieldschool’s primary focus: mobile and locative media for (and in) cultural heritage. The range of presentations we are interested in is very wide: tech intros, project case studies, best practice discussions, etc, etc, etc. Want to do a talk introducing students to jQuery Mobile? That would be great. Want to discuss a an ongoing cultural heritage mobile or locative project? Awesome. We are also interested in presentations on more general topics relevant to digital humanities and cultural heritage informatics (user centered design, project management, etc.) The idea is to introduce students to as broad a range of topics, platforms, perspectives, practitioners (scholars, grad students, developers, designers, curators, etc, etc, etc), and models as possible.

Presentations should be at least an hour. Since the fieldschool runs from Monday-Friday, 9-4 (EST), there are a wide variety of available times at which people can make their presentations. If you are interested, just email me (Ethan Watrall, the fieldschool director at